torsdag 9 augusti 2012

Who said what?

There's a lot of things happening right now! So thats why your favorite blog doesn't get updated very often.  :P
We're first of getting closer to complete the greatest record in rock history. The mixing sounds better and better for each day! Since Im not a pro engineer it will take some time! But Im getting there!
Second of all. The video! We're almost done with the script now. So we'll hopefully begin filming in a couple of weeks. It will be a banger!
Then we're practicing our new guitar shredder Tobias Engdahl for the upcoming gig in Luleå! So if u're up there on August 25th! Make sure to stop by!
Then there is an acoustic happening coming up! So stay tuned for that one! :D
So there's your little update and our little excuse for what's up!

Here's some pictures anyway! Most taken from our instagram! Oh yeah u better get connected and start follow us! And we're still giving away our discography for your like on our facebook page! Just send us a mail and it's all yours!


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