torsdag 29 april 2010

Black voodoo magic.

This weekend we'll all hang out in Skeppsvik to celebrate the first of May.
It will be epic. Or just like the movie Evil Dead. Davve Lee has promised us to exercise some black voodoo magic. So we're all super excited to se if he will bring some stiff old deados back to life....
Anyway. If he's just full of shit we still got Sauna, barbecue, guitars and Laptops to gild our stay in Skeppsvik. And of course lots of refreshments and cigarettes.
So we will get back to you with some more updates and photos after our zombie raising get together in the woods.

That of course if we survive.......

onsdag 21 april 2010

Drum drum

Our drummer ...

...Christoffer a.k.a Chrillaz just bought a brand new drum kit. We can now announce that he will be the best drummer ever!!

Gretsch Catalina!!

måndag 19 april 2010

Now on Facebook

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söndag 18 april 2010


Last weekend we went out and took some pictures with Dove.
We will post them here very very very sooon

Singing biirdies

On a saturday we went out to Täfteå and record some vocals.
One week delayed

lördag 17 april 2010

First of all

Follow Supercharged pitbulls here on their new blog!

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