onsdag 29 augusti 2012


Alright! There will be a short brake on this blog again!
Im going to Spain for 2 weeks, so I wont be able to update u rockers in a while!
But when im back home I promise u we have a SURPRISE for u guys! :D
And some more news and happenings to update u on aaiiiight!
Stay tuned and spread the word about your favourite rock band!
Meanwhile! do ya thaaang! See u rockers soooon!

Here's some fresh photos taken by Kristoffer Åkerström from Luleå!

There's more photos over @ facebook.com/superchargedpitbulls Like our page and enjoy Music and Photos!


måndag 27 augusti 2012

City By City! Night After Night!

Here's a small edit folks!

Thanx Luleå!

Saturday was epic! We arrived 8oClock in the morning! Started to rigg our shit up in the Carlings store!
Sun was up and everything was just grate!
The show in the store was fun! A Warm up for the evening show :D
Came by a decent amount of rockers to hear our tunes and to purchase some new denim!

Then we moved down to the punkish, sauna party rock n roll show room! Rigged it again and started to  pour some alcohol in to our thirsty moths! And the mayhem started! We where all drunk, sweaty, and pumped up! The crowd was amazing and the hostesses where incredible! It simply was a friggn' Rock N Roll night out!

Thanx Theresa, Carro, Jonathan and Carlings for an epic night!
We'll upload some more photos and some vidz later aight! Make sure to check out some of the photos from the gig at our facebook page! And remember to press like if u like! :D Boom!

Thanx again! One LOVE!

onsdag 22 augusti 2012


Just received a small order of give aways for the gig in Luleå!
What's up!
Also we're planing a small gig here in Umeå in October as well.
So if your psyched to hear our new kick ass tunes, get pissed and to get introduced to Tobbe Engdahl! U do best to stay updated right here @ superchargedpitbulls.com for further info :D Boom!

tisdag 21 augusti 2012

Get Back In The Game

Oh yeah! "Get back in the game" is on the way rockers!

We also got this bad ass backdrop in the making! :D

Looking goooood!

måndag 20 augusti 2012

Ah Man! Get Psyched!

U can get Danko Jones new single "Just A Beautiful Day" from their new album Rock And Roll Is Black And Blue! Just klick the link below to stream and download! AWESOME! http://www.dankojones.com/raribab/

söndag 19 augusti 2012


Soon we'll rock the socks of Luleå!
Saturday 25th as i've said a thousand times :P
Our setlist is done for the show and we'll rehearse it like doooogz this week!
We are performing almost every song that's recorded for the new album!
Plus a few good old once u all can sing along to!
We're so psyched to perform the new tunes and to hear what u guys think of them!
Also Carlings is running a deal starting tomorrow!
Buy your self some fresh denim and get 50% off any top!
So get your as over there and get your self a new rockin' outfit for saturday!

See u guys soon!

lördag 18 augusti 2012

First Day Of Shooting The Video!

Here's a little edit from todays shooting! Enjoy rockers!

fredag 17 augusti 2012


Anders Blomkvist over at BilDahl hooked us up whit this bad boy for the video shot tomorrow!
Big thanx to BilDahl and Anders!

Stay tuned Folks!

torsdag 16 augusti 2012


OK! 25th of August as we said! Carlingrs presents Supercharged Pitbulls!
If u're up there? Spread the news and start practicing some lyrics folks! It will be a banger for sure!
Se u soon!

And yeah! On saturday if the weather is with us! We'll start filming for our new music video as well!
We'll update u as we progress!

torsdag 9 augusti 2012

Who said what?

There's a lot of things happening right now! So thats why your favorite blog doesn't get updated very often.  :P
We're first of getting closer to complete the greatest record in rock history. The mixing sounds better and better for each day! Since Im not a pro engineer it will take some time! But Im getting there!
Second of all. The video! We're almost done with the script now. So we'll hopefully begin filming in a couple of weeks. It will be a banger!
Then we're practicing our new guitar shredder Tobias Engdahl for the upcoming gig in Luleå! So if u're up there on August 25th! Make sure to stop by!
Then there is an acoustic happening coming up! So stay tuned for that one! :D
So there's your little update and our little excuse for what's up!

Here's some pictures anyway! Most taken from our instagram! Oh yeah u better get connected and start follow us! And we're still giving away our discography for your like on our facebook page! Just send us a mail and it's all yours!

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