torsdag 26 juli 2012

What's Happening?

Practising with Dave lees stand in for the upcoming show in Luleå!
Our buddy Anton Gun is shredding it instead of Dave in August.
Carlings in Luleå is throwing a big happening to celebrate their first year in their new store. And Supercharged Pitbulls is performing! It will be a grate party for sure!
We're psyched to get up on stage again. And thrilled to have Anton with us.
Dave has recently moved back to Barcelona to work for apple. We support his decision and wish him all the luck! Meanwhile we're looking for a headbanging rocker to replace his spot in the band until the day Dave returns. So if u know someone? Or if u're the one!? Hoooolllaaa! And stop by for a shredd session with us!
More on the upcoming gig later when all the details is done.
And as far as the recordings are going.. we're done as i said in the previous post! So we're just wrapping things up and we'll send it to be mixed in a couple of weeks! Yeeeah u heard! :D
This fall will be awesome! And a video is in the progress as well! ... Nough Said folks!
Stay tuned and stay rock!


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