torsdag 29 mars 2012

The Record Is On It's Way To Completeness Folks!

Ok! We give u this preview just to get u hungry! :D

We're still working on a couple of new song to this record. But as we write we have 5 songs done!
And we're talking maybe 7 songs in total for this record. This is also just a rough mix and as u heard with no vocals yet recorded.
So stay updated and follow us right here at and don't forget to spread the word!
This summer will be ruled by pure "Everyday Rock n Roll" Just sayin'

Alright! Enjoy! Here's your reward for now, for staying with us! Thanx and we hope this WILL rock your skinny jeans of !


måndag 26 mars 2012


We are performing the following tunes april 13th.

Once Again (Never performed live)
Are u Ready! Classic
Kings Of Misbehave. Siiing along. U do know the lyrics :D
Someday It's Gone (Never performed live)
Seduced By The Devil! Rock n Roll. Check out our home made video from 2010.
Pretty Girl! (Never performed live) u'll like it!
Turn on, Tune out! Will rock your pants of!

So this is what we'll give u! :D
(Not necessarily in this order though.)

Stay rock! Cuz if u do! We might give u some more samples of the new record pretty soon! :D


fredag 16 mars 2012

See us at Scharinska in april.

Hey rockers.

Our buddies in Los Bastards will release there new fullength album in april.
They are throwing a party to celebrate the happening! And we are supporting the event by rocking some new and old tunes to warm up the audiance!
So this will happen 13 of april! So if you like to hear something new and fresh, make sure to be there! I'll post some updates later on!

In the meantime! Make sure to listen to 2 pre released songs from Los bastards record!/pages/LOS-BASTARDS/176684409056457?sk=app_178091127385

See u soon!

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