måndag 16 januari 2012

Monday morning!

Here´s monday. Just arraived @ the office and had a coffe in my hand. Nothing new really. Same old weekend just past by. No new job done, we had the brewsky instead. Hehehe... Last frday me and Gus went out with our friend and photograph Dove. We made some photo´s and had a blast. Some of them came out pretty well.

And saturday me and Berra had a FIFA 12 boys night out!! Ended up @ the nightclub Allstars. Drinking the beer and liquor and danced our asses off!!

And hey. I just found a cool rock n roll band the other day. They call them self "The bellrays". They fucking rock!! And wow, she can sing!! Loock ´em up!!


måndag 9 januari 2012

Two is better then one?

Me and Gus did some work last friday. We had some ideas of new songs. But as usually we end up arguing. Two brains is better then one right? Maybe not in our case.


söndag 8 januari 2012

Music making

Sometimes it just goes wrong


tisdag 3 januari 2012

Pre prod!

Hope you guys had a great new years eve party!
We did for sure. Maybe some pic update from the party will come soon...

Until then, here´s a little clip from us doin some pre prod!

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