"sorry for not posting in a while" is getting more and more our standard line here... hahah Sorry for not updating.
Thing is! I packed my life down in a grocery bag and moved my ass down to Stockholm in September, Gus moved in to hes new awesome mansion/apartment and Dave and Dan is just... lazy i guess :P
Still nu excuse!
Anyways. Been pretty busy startin up my life down here and everything!
What's important though is the upcoming record! As u've noticed it never got released in October... because of all the moving around shizzle. But we're still in the making rockers!!!
Pre-production as u know is pretty much done. The tricky part is now to find some one to record us.. Got some hook ups for tracking drums here in STHLM though.. And probably shredding some guitars and bass with the one and only Chris Jones.. or just do it our selfs.. We'll se. Hopefully we'll get started late december...no way! Christmas holidays and everything so im just lying again. January! YES! JANUARY! JAAAANUUUAAARY is our goal at least! Nuff talking shit! Just wanted to say we're alive and working as u read! Spread the news around the world and keep doin what u do best! ROCK!!!
PITBULLS 2012! Stay tuned! And Tune in our latest tune on your computer! Turn on, Tune out! Damn tuning tunes u tun.... aaheee..